TIBC Membership Application 2025-26 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.* Fields marked with an asterisk must be completedName *FirstLastAddress *Address Line 1Address Line 2CityState / Province / RegionPostal CodeEmailPhone (Home)Phone (Mobile)Are you retired? (Select 'Yes' or 'No' below)YesNoDate of birth (if under 60)(Information required if playing in age-related competitions)Current outdoor club (if applicable)Are you a member of any other indoor club? (Select 'Yes' or 'No' below)YesNoName of indoor team you are registering with (at Thornbury IBC)Day team plays on (if known)League team plays in (if known) Gender (select) *MaleFemalePrefer not to sayEthnicity (select) *British WhiteWhite OtherMixedAsian/ Asian BritishBlack/ Black BritishOtherPrefer not to sayDisability (select) *NoYesPrefer not to sayIf 'Yes' please specifyVisual impairmentHearing impairmentPhysical impairmentLearning DifficultyOtherPrefer not to sayIf 'Other' please spcifyPlease provide us with any further information requiredName *FirstLastAre you an existing member or a new member?ExistingNewProposer(Proposer and Seconder must be existing members of TIBC) Seconder(Proposer and Seconder must be existing members of TIBC)Emergency Contact InformationName *FirstLastRelationshipPhone (Home)Phone (Mobile)As a member of Thornbury Indoor Bowls Club, you are also an affiliated member of English Indoor Bowling Association Limited and Gloucestershire Indoor Bowling Association. Your details may be shared with these partner organisations where it is deemed relevant/necessary. Your details will not be passed to any third-party organisation without your permission, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 (GDPR) and English Indoor Bowling Association Limited. Our club Privacy Policy can be found By becoming a member of Thornbury Indoor Bowls Club, I agree to abide by the club’s Code of Conduct and Green Etiquette.Is the applicant under 18 years of age? (copy)Click to select Yes or NoYesNoIf the member is under 18 years old, please complete the Parent/Legal Guardian contact information.Relationship to MemberContact NumberEmailApplicant - I confirm that the above information is correct at the time of signing this form.Name (Signed) *Date *Submit TIBC MEMBERS APPLICATION FORM 2024Download