Appendix 1 – Discipline and Appeals Procedures Guidance Note, Discipline and Appeals Procedures
1.1 The name of the Club is Thornbury Indoor Bowls Club, hereafter to be referred to as “The Club”. The headquarters shall be Thornbury Leisure Centre, Alveston Hill, Thornbury, South Gloucestershire BS35 2JB.
2.1 The purposes of The Club are to foster and promote the sport of Indoor Level Green Bowls, by providing opportunities for recreation and competition at all levels of the sport.
3.1 The Executive Committee (as defined in section 9) has the power to:
3.1.1 Organise league competitions;
3.1.2 Organise other forms of competitions;
3.1.3 Arrange friendly matches with other clubs;
3.1.4 Enter The Club and members in national championship;
3.1.5 Enter Club teams and competitors in other competitions;
3.1.6 Acquire and provide equipment for coaching, training and related facilities;
3.1.7 Provide coaching, training, social and other related facilities;
3.1.8 Raise funds by appeals and make recommendation to the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) for appropriate subscriptions, joining fee and loans;
3.1.9 Borrow money and give security for the same, and open bank accounts;
3.1.10 Set aside or apply funds for special purposes or as reserves;
3.1.11 Do all other things reasonably necessary to advance the purposes, provided such actions are consistent with the Constitution, Rules of The Club and the general law.
4.1 The Club shall affiliate to the English Indoor Bowling Association, (E.I.B.A) and
the Gloucestershire Indoor Bowling Association, (G.I.B.A) and any successor organisations.
5.1 Membership of The Club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs on completing a membership form and paying the relevant subscription/joining fee.
5.2 Limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a non-discriminatory basis.
5.3 The Executive Committee may refuse membership, or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring The Club or sport into disrepute. The Club has adopted the EIBA Disciplinary Procedure for dealing with all disciplinary matters including appeals against a removal as set out in The Club Rules (see Appendix1). At all times Club members will adhere to The Club Rules and any requirements laid down by the Thornbury Leisure Centre and will pay such green fees for leagues and competitions as shall be determined and published by the Manager of the Thornbury Leisure Centre.
5.4 There shall be two classes of membership available. These are:
5.4.1 Full member (ladies and men 18 years of age and over);
5.4.2 Junior member (girls and boys under 18 years of age);
5.5 The annual subscription/joining fee for each of the above classes of membership, to include any levy laid down by the Thornbury Leisure Centre will be determined at the AGM or Special General Meeting (“SGM”) called for that purpose.
5.6 The Club will endeavour to keep subscriptions/joining fees at levels that will not create a significant obstacle to people wishing to participate in Club activities.
5.7 A copy of the current Constitution and Bowling Regulations and Rules are displayed on the Noticeboard in the Bowls Hall and on the Website. Members can request a personal copies from the Club Secretary.
6.1 All members may attend general meetings of The Club.
6.2 Such meetings require 21 clear days written notice to members.
6.3 The quorum for all general meetings is a chairperson and 25 members present.
6.4 The Chairperson shall preside. In the absence of the Chairperson a deputy appointed from the Executive Committee shall preside.
6.5 Except for motions to change the Constitution, resolutions shall be decided by a simple majority of the votes cast on a show of hands, except in the case of equality of voting the Chairperson shall have a second or casting vote
. For motions to change the Constitution, a two-thirds majority of the votes cast is required. In the case of equality of voting, it would be normal for the Chairperson to use his/her casting vote to maintain the status quo. A paper vote may be taken at any time at the discretion of the Chairman.
6.6 Formalities in connection with the smooth running of a general meeting shall be decided by the Executive Committee and publicised to Club members.
7.1 The Club will hold an AGM once in every calendar year and not more than 15 months after the last AGM. Notice to all members shall be in the Club’s programme of activities, distributed at the commencement of the indoor bowling season and to each new member if joining after the commencement of the season. Additional notices shall be displayed on the Secretary’s board in the headquarters at least 21 days before the date of the meeting.
7.2 At every AGM the following matters will be dealt with:
7.2.1 Confirm the minutes of the previous AGM and any general meetings held since the last AGM;
7.2.2 Election of an Executive Committee to serve until the next AGM;
7.2.3 Approval of accounts for the latest financial year, audited as the Executive Committee shall decide;
7.2.4 Receipt of reports of Club activities during the previous year;
7.2.5 Resolutions to amend Club rules and/or Constitution;
7.2.6 Election of auditors;
7.2.7 Any other business (may be discussed but not voted upon).
7.3 Nomination of candidates for election shall be made in writing by any member at least 14 days in advance of the date of the Annual General Meeting.
8.1 A SGM shall be called by the Secretary within 21 days of the receipt of a request to that effect from the Executive Committee or from a written request of not less than 20 members, signed by them. Such SGM shall be held on not less than 14 days notice given to members by notices on the Secretary’s notice board. The notice shall indicate the matters to be discussed and no other business shall be conducted at the meeting.
9.1 The officers of The Club shall be:
(a) President – a non-executive position to attend meetings, speak on matters but with no vote. This nomination will normally be made by the Executive in recognition of long service to the Club and the game of bowls, and approved by the members at the AGM. The position will normally be held for three years.
(b) Officers entitled to attend and vote at Executive meetings:
Membership Secretary
League Administrator
Men’s Bowling representative
Ladies Bowling representative
(c) Post holders – non-executives who may be invited to attend meetings and speak on specific matters with no vote. They may also submit written reports for consideration at the Executive meetings.
Development Officer
Safeguarding / Welfare Officer
Club Coach
Men’s Captain
Ladies Captain
Match Secretaries – Men and Ladies
Competition Secretaries – Men and Ladies
County Delegates – Men and Ladies
Selectors and team managers – Men and Ladies
9.2 The duties of the Officers shall be:
9.2.1 Secretary shall keep a record of all business transacted at the AGM and Executive Committee and Thornbury Leisure Centre Management meetings and shall be responsible for arrangements for all Executive, General and other Meetings and the agenda thereof.
9.2.2 Treasurer shall monitor The Club’s finances and control expenditure for bowling activities of both men and ladies within guidelines and budgets determined by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall present the annual accounts to the AGM for an accounting year which shall run from 1st April to 31st March the following year.
9.2.3 The Membership Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining a register of members, issuing membership application forms and administering the league team registration process.
9.2.4 The League Administrator is responsible for organising and administering the running of the leagues.
9.3 The duties of the Post holders shall be:
9.3.1 The Captains are responsible for selection, booking arrangements and the appropriate duties on match days.
9.3.2 The Men’s and Ladies Match Secretaries shall be responsible for arranging fixtures for all men’s, ladies and mixed friendly fixtures.
9.4 So far as it is possible, all the appointments listed in 9.1 above shall be elected at the AGM of The Club from and by the members of The Club. All Officers and Post holders are elected for a period of one year or until the next AGM. A member may hold more than one office but shall have only one vote.
9.5 The affairs of The Club shall be the responsibility of an Executive Committee comprising the seven Officers of The Club. An Executive Committee member ceases to hold office if the member ceases to be a member of The Club. A quorum at meetings of the Executive Committee shall be the Chairperson or a deputy elected from those present together with three other members. No male member of The Club shall be entitled to vote, at general meetings or meetings of the Executive, on bowling activities solely concerning the ladies and vice versa.
9.6 The duties of the Executive Committee shall be:
9.6.1 To control the affairs of The Club on behalf of all members, having due regard to the law on disability and child protection, and to promote and develop sports equality in its activities;
9.6.2 To keep accurate accounts of the finances of The Club through the Treasurer. These should be available for reasonable inspection by members and should be audited every year. The Club shall maintain a bank current account and the following Officers shall be authorised to sign cheques: two from Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary;
9.6.3 To fill any casual vacancy arising during the year and to co-opt additional voting and non-voting members to the Committee as determined from time to time;
9.6.4 To appoint sub-committees for specific purposes and to determine whether such sub-committees shall have executive powers;
9.6.5 To give notice of motions or make recommendations to the AGM;
9.6.6 To make decisions on the basis of a simple majority vote. In the case of equal votes, the Chairperson shall be entitled to an additional casting vote;
9.6.7 To formulate the league competitions in number and constitution at its sole discretion and to determine match fees;
9.6.8 To meet as often as the business of The Club demands and the Secretary, after consultation with the Chairperson, may call an Executive Committee meeting whenever in his opinion, circumstances require it;
9.6.9 To decide upon any matters not provided for in the Constitution or Rules of The Club.
9.6.10 Conduct any Disciplinary or Grievance Meetings in accordance with the agreed policies.
9.7 Other administrative committees are as follows:
9.7.1 Emergency committee – urgent matters may be dealt with by an emergency committee consisting of the Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. All proceedings shall be reported to the Executive Committee.
9.7.2 Match Committee – shall consist of the Men’s Captain and Vice Captain and the Ladies Captain and Vice Captain, as appropriate. The selection process shall be as follows:
(i) The Men’s Captain and Vice Captain shall select all men’s teams representing The Club in friendly matches;
(ii) The Ladies Captain and Vice Captain shall select all ladies teams representing The Club in friendly matches;
(iii) Together they shall, select mixed teams for friendly matches.
(iv) Make all the necessary booking arrangements;
(v) Consult with Treasurer where expenditure of Club funds is involved;
9.7.3 Men’s Representative Selection Committee – four full male members shall be approved by the Executive Committee at the first meeting following the AGM. They shall:
(i) Select players for all team competitions entered into by The Club;
(ii) Make all the necessary booking arrangements;
(iii) Consult with Treasurer where expenditure of Club funds is involved.
9.7.4 Ladies Representative Selection Committee – will consist of five full lady members, one to be the Ladies Captain, one to be the Ladies Vice-Captain and the remainder to be elected by all members present at the Annual General Meeting. They shall:
(i) Select players for all team competitions entered into by The Club;
(ii) Make all the necessary booking arrangements;
(iii) Consult with Treasurer where expenditure of Club funds is involved.
9.7.5 Gloucestershire IBA:
(i) Two delegates to the GIBA Executive Committee shall be elected at the AGM. They shall be appointed Post holders to the Executive Committee.
(ii) Two selectors shall be appointed by the Executive Committee at the first meeting following the AGM. They shall be appointed Post holders to the Executive Committee.
10.1 A resolution to dissolve the club can only be passed at general meeting through a three-quarters majority vote of those present and voting. In the event of dissolution, any assets of the club that remain shall be disposed of to another club with similar sports purposes.
Discipline and Appeals Procedures Guidance Note
Discipline and Appeals Procedures
Any breach of club rules may result in disciplinary action being taken against a member and this might take the form of a warning, verbal or written, temporary banishment or even expulsion. The format of the procedure is outlined below:
1. The Initial Inquiry
1.1 An initial hearing will be held by the Committee to establish whether or not there is a case to answer. It is not be essential for the alleged offender to be present at this stage, although he/she will be made aware that they are being investigated and the reason for the investigation. The minutes of this hearing will be recorded in writing.
2 The Hearing
2.1 If the initial hearing determines that there is a case to answer, the alleged offender will be advised of the allegation against him/her in writing by the Club Secretary and invited to attend a hearing by the Committee. The alleged offender will be informed that he/she has the right to be represented at the hearing.
2.2 At the hearing, the Committee will reiterate the allegations, allow the alleged offender to answer and then ask whatever questions are deemed to be relevant and both the questions and the answers should be recorded. The hearing would also hear evidence from any witnesses. The minutes of this hearing will be recorded in writing. Having heard all the evidence, the Committee would then determine whether the offender is guilty of the offence or not. If it so decides, it should then determine what action, if any is to be taken. It is important that any action is seen to be what a fair and reasonable person would deem appropriate having regard to the offence committed. The Committee’s decision on disciplinary action should be communicated to the offender in writing without delay and in any event, within 48 hours of the hearing. The notice of disciplinary action should include a statement setting out the following:
2.2.1 Details of the offence, which he/she has been found guilty of.
2.2.2 Details of the decision of the Committee and the action to be taken.
2.2.3 An explanation of the offender’s right of appeal to the club in general meeting.
2.2.4 An explanation of the Appeal procedure.
3 The Appeal Procedure
3. 1 The offender will be advised of his/her rights regarding the appeal. A copy of the appeals procedure will be provided to the offender and this will explain:
3.1.1 That a request for an appeal hearing should include the basis of the request. (e.g. new evidence or information, unreasonable disciplinary action for the offence committed etc.)
3.1.2 How the request for an appeal hearing should be made. (e.g. in writing)
3.1.3 To whom it should be made. (e.g. Club Secretary or other nominated person)
3.1.4 That the offender may be represented at the hearing if he/she so wishes.
3.1.5 The timescale within which an appeal must be lodged. (e.g. fourteen days following receipt of the decision of the Disciplinary Committee)
3.1.6 How long after the receipt of an appeal request, the process will take to complete. (e.g. fourteen days)
3.1.7 That the decision of the Club on Appeal is final and binding.
4 Extra Ordinary Meeting
If an appeal is made correctly and is accepted for consideration by the Club Committee, an Extra Ordinary Meeting will be called. At this Extra Ordinary Meeting, the offender would have the right to be represented and he/she should be asked to put a case forward explaining why they believe the decision of the Committee to be unacceptable. The offender will be permitted to introduce witnesses who may have other information about the alleged offence or who may simply be character witnesses. When all evidence has been provided, the members would then consider the case and a vote taken. The members have the option of confirming the decision of the Committee or changing it in the light of any additional information that may have been provided at the Extra Ordinary Meeting. The decision of the meeting should be minuted and communicated in writing to the offender and is binding.