Thornbury Indoor Bowls Club
Thornbury Leisure Centre, Alveston Hill, Thornbury,

South Gloucestershire, BS35 3JB

GDPR Member Consent Form

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) are in effect from 25 May 2018.     GDPR has made no significant changes in the way the Club operates or deals with your personal information; rather it is a new requirement that specific consent has to be given and recorded to these matters. GDPR requires the Club to obtain specific consent for collection, storage, use of and sharing of personal information (Data) in various ways including communicating with you.

Existing Members
The Club has adopted a GDPR Policy. You are asked to read the Policy which covers the data that is held and how it is used and shared with others. You have previously provided the required personal information on joining the Club and are now being asked to agree that the Club may use your data as described, contacting you through E-mail, post and/or phone as outlined.

New Members
The Club has adopted a GDPR Policy. You are asked to read the Policy which covers the data that is held and how it is used and shared with others.

The Club uses the data solely for the purposes of the effective running of the Club and does not share it except with Gloucestershire Indoor Bowls Association (GIBA), English Indoor Bowls Association (EIBA) Wessex Bowls League, for some specific Post Holders and within the Club as noted in the Policy. Inside the Club, members’ data is shared only with Selectors and Team Captains for the purpose of team and match considerations. The data is not used in any form of automated decision making or profiling.

Communication with you will be restricted to matters relating to the Club. GIBA, EIBA and Wessex League such as: GIBA, EIBA or Wessex issues; Club Newsletters, Meetings, minutes, Competitions and Events; availability for and the selection of teams; and other such club related matters. In addition, you are asked for consent to publish your name and phone number(s) in the Club Handbook or post on the Noticeboards.

You have rights concerning this data, namely:
To ask the Membership Secretary for a copy of your data, to be provided within one month.
The correction of inaccurate data, to be achieved within one month.
The erasure of your data, within one month, should you leave or not re-join the Club.
Withdraw your consent to the use of the data for contact purposes.
Report any suspected breach of data security to the Club Chairman.

You have the right to not consent to the Club contacting you in any of the ways below. Should you do so, however, you must be aware that the Club will not contact you about Meetings, Matches, Competitions, Events or urgent issues such as late cancellations.

The Club website will hold no openly available personal information. Information on young persons will not be published in the Fixtures Booklet unless it is required and approved by a parent/guardian.

We are asking you to confirm that you have read the Club GDPR Policy and that you consent to the Club using your data as described above and in the Policy.

Please complete the following consent form by signing/initialling the YES boxes. If you do NOT consent, please mark the NO boxes appropriately with a cross (X) or initial. A Parent or Guardian must complete the form for young persons.

Please return completed forms to the Membership Secretary, preferably via e-mail or place in the box provided in the Bowls Hall or by post.

Membership Secretary


Please complete a Consent Form using one of the following options:

Online Form